Effect Of Fluid Biochemistry On Bleomycin Pleuredesia In Non-Mesothelioma Malign Pleural Effusions
Non-Mesothelioma Malign Pleural Effusions
Malign plevral efüzyonlar, video yardımlı torakoskopik cerrahi, yaşam kalitesi, adenokarsinom, plöredezAbstract
Objective: Malignant pleural effusions (MPE) often signal terminal-stage malignancy, with limited survival and quality of life prospects. This study aimed to evaluate whether fluid biochemistry influences recurrence after bleomycin pleurodesis in patients diagnosed with MPE through VATS pleural biopsy and fluid cytology.
Method: A total of 23 patients diagnosed with MPE due to primary lung carcinoma or pleural metastasis, and treated with bleomycin pleurodesis at our institution, were included. All diagnoses were confirmed via VATS pleural biopsy.
Results: The mean age of patients with recurrence was 52.5 years. Their mean pleural fluid values were: LDH 569.75 U/L, pH 7.5, protein 4.53 g/dL, glucose 81 mg/dL, and albumin 3.13 g/dL. The average drainage time was 10.5 days. Recurrence occurred in 20% of men and 12.5% of women, with a 20% recurrence rate on the right side and 12.5% on the left. Recurrence in pulmonary adenocarcinoma patients was 33.3%, while the overall recurrence after bleomycin pleurodesis was 17.4%. General anesthesia had a higher recurrence rate (25%) compared to local anesthesia (9.1%).
Conclusion: Recurrent pleural effusion in MPE presents a clinical challenge. VATS is a crucial tool in diagnosing and managing MPE. Bleomycin is readily available for pleurodesis in our country, but the treatment should be personalized to balance quality of life and hospitalization time. International guidelines offer valuable insights but need to be adapted to individual cases.
Keywords: Malignant pleural effusions, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, quality of life, adenocarcinoma, pleurodesis
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