From a Cocoon to a Butterfly: The Experience of Nursing Students in Writing Nursing Care Plan
From a Cocoon to a Butterfly
Nursing care plan, Nursing process, Qualitative research, Nursing Students, AssignmentAbstract
Aim: Despite the crucial role of nursing care plans as written assignments in improving the quality of care delivered by nursing students, there is limited understanding of this phenomenon. So, this study aims to explore the nursing students' experience in writing nursing care plans through qualitative research in Turkey.
Materials and Methods: We undertook a phenomenological study with a content analysis approach in 2023. The selection of participants was based on non-probability and purposeful sampling. We employed semi-structured interviews to collect the data. The study involved students in their fourth year of the Bachelor of Science in nursing program who had written the nursing care plan before and desire to participate in the study. The MAXDA10 program was used to analyze the data.
Results: The student's average age was 22.55 ± 0.96 years, with 77% of them being female, and 59% of them choosing the profession willingly. We identified one main theme: From a Cocoon to a Butterfly (transformative journey of nursing students as they progress from novices to skilled care planners). Also, the study identified three primary subthemes: "From a hard nut to crack to a piece of cake" and "From beginner to a pro" as well as a set of “Recommendations” for writing nursing care plans.
Conclusion: In conclusion, our findings reveal that nursing students undergo a transformative process akin to a caterpillar in their care planning writing. Initially, this phase may seem daunting and time-consuming, potentially discouraging. However, as individuals progress, they grow and ultimately find fulfilment and professional satisfaction. The recommendations provided by the students offer valuable guidance for nursing educators and institutions.
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