Duodenal Ig E and Adult Celiac Disease
Duodenal Ig E and Adult Celiac Disease
Celiac, Allergy, IgEAbstract
The coexistence of Celiac disease (CD) and food allergies is not fully explained. That is why, in the present study, we aimed to determine IgE, related to food allergies, in duodenum with adult CD.
Materials and Methods
Duodenum biopsy samples of 16 celiac patients, aged between 20 and 55, and 14 non-celiac patients, aged between 24 and 59, were evaluated by IgE immunohistochemical examination. Statistically….
Strong and diffuse IgE staining cells were not detected in any case. Sparse IgE-positive cells were detected in 5 (31%) of the celiac patients, while it was detected in 4 (24%) patients in the control group. No statistically significant difference was found between the two groups.
The obtained data were evaluated statistically
According to the results of our study, no increase in IgE was detected in the duodenum samples of newly diagnosed celiac patients compared to the duodenum samples of the control group. However, to reach definitive results for the relationship between CD and food allergy, need for a large series of studies that include different age groups and gluten-free diet patients.
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