Usefulness of Hemoglobin, Albumin, Lymphocyte and Platelet (HALP) Score in Determining the Need for Surgery in Ileus Patients in the Emergency Department
Hemoglobin, Albumin, Lymphocyte and Platelet (HALP) Score
Emergency department, ileus, HALP scoreAbstract
Aim: To investigate the usefulness of HALP score (hemoglobin, albumin, lymphocyte and platelet) in determining the need for surgery in patients diagnosed with ileus in the emergency department.
Material and Method: Our study was designed retrospectively on patients diagnosed with ileus in the emergency department. HALP score was calculated from hemoglobin, albumin, lymphocyte and platelet values obtained from the patients within 24 hours. Patients were divided into two groups as operated and discharged with conservative treatment after hospitalization in the general surgery ward. The differences in HALP score between the two groups were analyzed.
Results: The study included 213 patients diagnosed with ileus in the emergency department. The mean age of the patients was 60.9±13.2 years and 121 (56.8%) were male. The number of patients discharged by general surgery with conservative treatment was 168 (78.9%) and 45 (21.1%) were operated on. It was found to be significant that patients discharged with conservative treatment had a higher HALP score than patients who underwent emergency surgery (p=0.007). In the study, diagnostic test performances of HALP score were calculated in patients who were discharged with conservative treatment and those who underwent surgery. Accordingly, it was determined that HALP score >0.369 predicted that there was no need for surgery.
Conclusion: Calculation of HALP score in patients diagnosed with ileus in the emergency department may be useful in predicting the need for surgery in patients.
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