Evaluation of Aortic and Mitral Valve Regurgitation with a Short Training Model in Emergency Medicine Residents
USG, valve pathologies, aortic valve, mitral valve, training moduleAbstract
Introduction: Early recognition of valvular pathologies is very important both in terms of detecting the underlying pathology underlying the symptoms and in terms of early treatment before progression to heart failure. It is very important for emergency medicine residents to evaluate heart valves and thus heart failure with USG because of its advantages in early diagnosis. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of cardiac USG training with a short training model in emergency medicine residents.
Material methods: This prospective experimental study was conducted in the Emergency Medicine Clinic of Izmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital. A pretest was administered to emergency medicine residents who had no training in the evaluation of valvular pathologies by ultrasonography but were familiar with cardiac walls and cavities to measure the level of recognition of valvular pathologies before the short video training model (pretest). In the next stage, theoretical training including examples of valvular insufficiency was given by an experienced emergency medicine specialist. Following the training, residents were again subjected to the test presented at the beginning of the training (posttest). All statistics were performed at 95% confidence intervals and a p value of p<0.05 was accepted as significant.
Results: A total of 24 emergency medicine residents were included in the study. In the test phase, the residents were asked the same 40 questions in both pretest and posttest and were evaluated in such a way that they received 1 point for each correct answer. When we evaluated the difference between pretest and posttest, there was an average increase of 9.7±4.2 (24±10.7%) in the number of correct answers. As a result of the analysis, a highly significant difference was found between the pretest and posttest results of all residents (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Our results show that heart failure, which is life-threatening when diagnosed late by emergency physicians, has increased mortality, increased cost, decreased morbidity with early diagnosis and treatment, and a better prognosis, can be diagnosed quickly and accurately with ultrasonographic training.
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