Abdominal Wall Defects in Children

Abdominal Wall Defects


  • Tamer Sekmenli Seçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
  • Ilhan Ciftci Selcuk University


Abdominal wall defects, children, prenatal diagnosis, treatment, prognosis


     The abdominal wall is the latest forming part. Gastroschisis and omphalocele are the two most common congenital abdominal wall defects. Both are frequently detected antenatally with routine maternal serum screening and fetal ultrasound. Prognosis for gastroschisis is primarily determined by the degree of bowel injury, whereas prognosis for omphalocele is related to the number and severity of asso­ciated anomalies. Recent reports revealed an improved prognosis for infants with these malformations. In conclusion, defects of theabdominal wall and pathologies of the umbical region show diffeerences both in terms of diagnosis and tratment modalities. Since treatment modalities will change according to diagnosis, early and definitive diag­nosis of pathologies will have a vital impact on prognosis


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How to Cite

Sekmenli, T., & Ciftci, İlhan . (2021). Abdominal Wall Defects in Children: Abdominal Wall Defects . Chronicles of Precision Medical Researchers, 1(2), 52–55. Retrieved from https://chronpmr.com/index.php/cpmr/article/view/33