Evaluation of Children and Adolescents Admitted to Emergency Service with Suicide Attempt
Suicide attempt, child, adolescent, psychiatryAbstract
Objective: Suicide attempts in children and adolescents are an increasing public health problem. In this study, we aimed to examine the characteristics of children and adolescents who presented to the pediatric emergency department with suicide attempt in detail.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted by retrospectively analyzing the files of children aged 0-18 years who were admitted to the Pediatric Emergency Department of Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital between January 2018 and December 2022 due to suicide attempt.
Results: Of the 282 cases, 227 (80.5%) were female and 55 (19.5%) were male. The most common method was drug overdose (94.6%) followed by cutting (1.7%). 85 patients had a history of psychiatric drug use and 53 of them had attempted suicide by drinking the medication. The most common reason for suicide attempt was conflict with family (49.2%). The most common psychiatric diagnosis was major depressive disorder (42.9%). After emergency department treatment, 105 (37%) children were consulted with child-adolescent psychiatry and 12 (4.3%) children were referred to psychiatric services.
Conclusions: Knowledge of the characteristics of suicide attempts is useful in the course of treatment and in increasing the effectiveness of preventive health services.
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